①This game raises awareness of electricity consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in everyday life.
②You are given seven situations. Based on that,turn OFF unnecessary home appliances and turn ON necessary home appliances.
③When turning on home appliances,it is better to set them for reducing the power consumption and the CO2 emissions as much as possible. Then, you can get a high score.
④If you keep it on with a high power consumption and CO2 emissions,the score may drop.
⑤In each situation,each home appliance can only be switched once.
⑥If you have nothing to do in the current situation,press the 'Next Situation' button to go to the next situation.
⑦During playing the game,you can check the status of the home appliances that can be operated in the table at the bottom right of the screen.
⑧In summer, AC works as cooling. In winter, AC works as heating.